Saturday, May 4, 2019

Living Waters - Would you pray with me?

What is Living Waters?  Such a good question and the answers could be many an varied.  I could share many things myself but there is one specific answer that best defines why I asked in the first place.

Living Waters is a discipleship series aimed at restoring God's image in humanity.  This restoration results in sexual and relational wholeness.  Living Waters defines "wholeness" as the freedom to manifest in one's personal identity & human relationships the goodness of what it means to be male and female.  This goodness is experienced in affirming non-erotic relationships with the same gender and in trusting relationships with the opposite gender, which can result in sexual fulfillment within the boundaries of marriage.

This past February 2019 I attended the Living Waters Leadership Training and was commissioned and released as a Living Waters Coordinator.  It's my hope to establish a Living Waters Pilot Program this Fall.

My hope for the LW Pilot will consist of 8 - 10 people, both male and female.  We will meet for a shortened version of the regular 20-week program.  For now, we are shooting for 10 weeks.  We will need a worship team, prayer team, 8 - 10 folks whom God calls forward to be a part of this.  We will meet at Christian Life Center here in Missoula, MT.

Some of the topics that we will choose from are:  Acknowledging our need, Becoming Responsive to the Father's Love, The Fighting Father, Revealing Christ through the Gift of Our Bodies, the Cross & Confession, Renouncing Idols, Identifying Brokenness & Resuming the Journey, The True Self Forgives, the True Self Loves His/Her Gender, Restoring Women's Honor, Restoring Men's Honor, For the Bride, and several others.

The Living Waters Ministry comes from Desert Streams Ministry.  Desert Streams was started by Andy Comiskey almost 4 decades ago and is now an international ministry to many all over the world.  You can read the Year End Report for 2018 by clicking on this link.

Would you join me in praying?  It's my heart's desire to see a Living Waters Ministry established in my church, Christian Life Center.  Establishing this pilot is the first step.  I cannot do this without prayer support.   Please pray for:

  • Prayer Team consisting of 2 - 4 people (praying during each of the 10 sessions)
  • Worship Team consisting of 2 people (male & female) 
  • Participants, 8 - 10 people (who will become leaders after the pilot)
  • Discernment of which of the 20 chapters we will use for this 10-week pilot
  • Logistical details in my church, rooms to use, specific dates in the Fall, etc.
  • Small Group Leaders for the men and women's small group time
If you are willing to pray with me, would you respond by adding your name to the comments section so I am aware and can keep you updated regarding the progress made?  Thank you.